Thursday, May 21, 2009

Watch the finches

Daylight hours, Pacific time.

Supposedly they could start flight training at any time.

I heard about this on the radio show Clout.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Masdar City and the World Wildlife Fund

The Masdar eco-city endeavor in Abu Dhabi is a participant in One Planet Living, a project of World Wildlife Fund and the sustainability group BioRegional.

Being a partner in One Planet Living means the Masdar City project has agreed to apply ecological footprinting and these ten sustainability principles:

Zero Carbon: Net CO2 emissions of zero. Energy efficient buildings and infrastructure; energy from on- and off-site renewables.

Zero Waste: Eliminate waste flows to landfills and incineration. Reduce waste generation through improved design; encourage re-use, recycling and composting; generate clean energy from waste; make no-waste part of the definition of resource efficiency.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Creative Energy!

Art has always been a great vehicle for getting people to think about important issues. So imagine your community creating public art that also generates electricity. That's the idea behind the Land Art Generator Initiative.

LAGI is an international group of artists, architects, scientists, and engineers who are partnering to create environmental art installations that produce clean electricity for the grid, as well as aesthetic beauty. The project is working in the United Arab Emirates, as part of that country's interest in moving away from a petroleum-based economy.